Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Drunk Diet

Ladies and Gents get familiar with Luc Carl, a distance runner, bar manager, rocker,  personal trainer, semi pro-bowler, the man behind the "Drunk Diet." Luc 's Drunk Diet has been getting a lot of buzz lately, thanks to his girlfriend Stefani Germonatta aka Lady Gaga. In a recent interview the singer credits her physique to the following:

 I am on the drunk diet. I live my life as I want to, and creatively. I like to drink whiskey and stuff while I am working.The deal is, I've got to work out every day, and I work out hungover if I am hungover. And it's about the cross-training and  keeping yourself inspired. I have to say, I do a ton of yoga.

Luc's memoir comes out in 2012, and details his goal to lose 40 pounds without giving up his hard partying ways. Here's a sample of what you're in store for:

I guess everyone subscribes to a different "drunk diet."  I like to  keep my whiskey and treadmill separate, but to each his own. Try at your own risk



  1. Alcohol has tons of calories so this is ridiculous!

  2. this is true Lydia, but I'll share the secrets of a the real drunk diet later on lol
