Sunday, July 24, 2011

R.I.P Ms. Winehouse

I  got familiar with Amy Winehouse via blogs back in 07, way before she made her U.S. debut. There was something about her that I was drawn to. From watching her videos on YouTube to her interviews she came of so innocent, relatable, a little crazy, but bottomline line she was just genuine. Yes, she was singing blues and soul music, but it was not  gimmicky, it was just pure talent. It wasn't too long before "Rehab" was such  a big track dominating urban and pop radio.

First semester in college  'Back to Black' was on constant replay, next to M.IA.'s 'Kala.'  I think I became an even bigger Winehouse fan when my friend gave me the 'Frank' album. For me, songs evoke certain memories, and without a doubt 'Frank' was the soundtrack  to my first semester of college. Despite her personal woes, I really hope that she will be remembered for her timeless classics and not the drunken performances, and antics. Addiction is a disease, let us not forget that.

I was in the fitting room yesterday, and the sales girl announced that Amy Winehouse died and  everyone just carried about their business. I checked my Twitter to verify but I still could not believe it. It was like just the other day she was in St.Lucia, going through detox making progress. There was that Belgrade slip up but still I really thought her career would out live most of these talentless "artists" currently saturating the airwaves. Even though I could not relate to some of her songs I was able to connect with her music because I was actually able to feel what she was going through. It was like her pain was tangible. The last time I was this affected by an artists' death was  Aaliyah's untimely passing... I'll stop rambling but seriously this is just deeply saddening. I hope they release the material she worked on in St. Lucia, it was a reggae inspired sound.

R.I.P. Amy Jade Winehouse. May your music live on forever.

I leave you with some of my favorite works from 'Frank' and 'Back to Black' in no particular order:

(Love that Nas Made You Look sample)

                                           Timeless music.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

MasterCard X Your City

I saw overnight safari sleepover at the Bronx Zoo, and was immediately sold. That's the animal lover in me (when I was younger, I was the proud parent of a Bengal Tiger at the zoo. Don't judge me). Anywho MasterCard holders out there, pay attention!

MasterCard is bringing it's Priceless campaign to life. The brand is launching a new intiative, Priceless Cities giving cosumers exclusive offerings such as V.I.P. treatment at the Red Rooster restuarant in Harlem, access to Batter's Eye View a new section at Yankees Stadium, and my favorite an overnight safari at the Bronx Zoo. NYC will be the first city to be featured in this campaign.

Cheryl Guerin, SVP of marketing comments that Priceless Cities is a “a real evolution of our brand promise,” and that MasterCard will continue efforts of emotional differentiation with their "Priceless" ads. Supporting this intiatve will be a series of social stunts, like placing Yankees stadium seats all around the city.

The campaign will advertise on radio, print, online, transit and outdoor platforms.
